The full documentary version of Intersexion has won two awards at its first showing on the big screen. Intersexion won ‘Best NZ Documentary’ and ‘Best Editing’ at the Documentary Edge festival currently taking place in Auckland and Wellington, New Zealand. The people behind the movie, Grant Lahood, Mani Mitchell and John Keir, have told interviewees:…
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Articles by Admin
Hiker Chiu of OII Chinese presents on intersex at the 5th Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival
HIKER Chiu of Organization Intersex International Chinese carries her message about intersex people being normal and even huggable around the world via her Free hugs with intersex campaign. Her most recent appearance was at the 5th Hong Kong Sex Cultural Festival. – 2012_03_05_香港性文化節記者會_hiker Chiu: Hiker Chiu, founder of OII Chinese, for the 5th Hong Kong…
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London Olympics Head of Diversity & Inclusion includes intersex while Equality Minister excludes intersex people
WHEN LGBT online publication Gay Star News recently published an article quoting Stephen Frost, Head of Diversity and Inclusion at Olympics organization LOCOG speaking about the LGBTI community, we thought the journalist’s fingers had slipped on the keyboard. After all, neither GSN, LOCOG nor the British government has been seen fit to equally include intersex people in their work…
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We thank Anne Tamar-Mattis of Advocates for Informed Choice – AIC – for her intersex advocacy
LEGAL advocate for intersex people Anne Tamar-Mattis of Advocates for Informed Choice – AIC has further contributed to public education about intersex people in a recent, at-length and in-depth interview with San Francisco Bay Area radio station KPFA. The program – now available as a downloadable MP3 file – was broadcast on the Against the Grain program on Monday, March 5, 2012. Remember…
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German Greens party urges the German Senate to stand up for intersex people
GERMAN online publication reports on how the Greens are urging the German Senate to stop delaying acting on one-year-old reports and recommendations and stand up for Germany’s many oppressed intersex citizens. The following note in the article about one of the most popular misconceptions about intersex stands out for us: Der Hintergrund für dieses Missverständnis ist wohl, dass Intersexualität…
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Video of White House LGBT Health Conference now online, with questions by intersex activist
THE videos of the morning sessions from the White House LGBT Health Conference in Philadelphia on Thursday February 16 2012 are now online and available for viewing at any time. Dana Zzyym, an intersex activist and OII United States member attended the conference and asked a set of questions only to receive a brief and…
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IVIM/OII Germany issues press release commenting on Deutscher Ethikrat’s opinion document on situation of intersex people in Germany
Presseerklärung der Internationalen Vereinigung Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen (IVIM) zur Stellungnahme “Intersexualität” des Deutschen Ethikrats vom 23.02.2012 Berlin, 23.02.2012 DER Deutsche Ethikrat hat seine im Auftrag der Bundesregierung erarbeitete Stellungnahme zur Verbesserung der Lebenssituation intergeschlechtlicher Menschen veröffentlicht. IVIM begrüsst, dass der Ethikrat sich für eine finanzielle Förderung von Inter*- Organisationen ausspricht und die Peer-Beratung stärken möchte. In…
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Deutscher Ethikrat releases opinion document and press release on its inquiry into intersex in Germany
Deutscher Ethikrat: Intersexuelle Menschen anerkennen, unterstützen und vor gesellschaftlicher Diskriminierung schützen PRESSEMITTEILUNG 01/2012 Berlin, den 23. Februar 2012 DER Deutsche Ethikrat stellt am heutigen Donnerstag in Berlin seine im Auftrag der Bundesregierung erarbeitete Stellungnahme zur Situation intersexueller Menschen vor. Er ist der Auffassung, dass intersexuelle Menschen als Teil gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt Respekt und Unterstützung der Gesellschaft…
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