CHRISTIANE Völling, the German intersex woman who successfully sued the surgeon who removed her female reproductive organs as a teenager without her consent, is featured in this segment on intersex in German TV show Nano. Note: Many thanks to our ally in Germany who drew this item to our attention.
Media Reports
Report on German television about the Transgender and Intersex in the Arts, Science and Society conference in Dresden

INACCURACY seems to be the byword when the mainstream media reports on intersex, but at least this news item by a German TV channel on the recent Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft conference in Dresden concentrates on intersex despite reporting it as a transgender conference. The report features IVIM/OII Germany’s Ins A. Kromminga and mentions Australia’s recent passport…
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New San Francisco Bay Area intersex digital magazine is calling for submissions

A collective of intersex, genderqueer and trans people of colour – POC – in the Oakland and Berkeley area of northern California is calling for submissions from intersex people for a new digital ‘zine named sex: unknown. The submissions deadline is April 1, 2012. As intersex people, we often feel alienated from queer and trans…
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MDR Sachsen reports on the Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft conference in Dresden earlier this month

MDR Sachsen reports on the Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft – Transgender and Intersex in the Arts, Science and Society – conference in Dresden earlier this month. Two European OII members who are artists and human rights activists presented at the conference – Del LaGrace Volcano and Ins A. Kromminga. Eine internationale…
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Maxx Ginanne’s Caster Semenya documentary “Too Fast to be a Woman?” screens in Sydney February 25 during Mardi Gras Film Festival

IN 2011 the Sydney Mardi Gras aka Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras became fully intersex inclusive under the LGBTQI acronym. Now the 2012 Mardi Gras sees London-resident, expatriate documentary filmmaker Maxx Ginnane’s film on South African athlete Caster Semenya, Too Fast to be a Woman?, screened in the Mardi Gras Film Festival on Saturday…
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Intersex artist, activist and new parent Del LaGrace Volcano is interviewed in Sweden on that and more

US-born and now Sweden and London resident intersex activist artist Del LaGrace Volcano is interviewed in Swedens’ NA. I 37 år levde Del som kvinna. Först som barn och tonåring med namnet Debra, sedan som vuxen konstnär med namnet Della Grace. I böcker och utställningar skildrar hon människor som tvingats till utanförskap, för könets skull….
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Like intersex, another biological variation that is not so rare – uterus didelphys

INTERSEX is not the only biological variation that can affect the formation of one’s genitals – uterus didelphys is another. Hazel Jones of High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire recently appeared on British TV to speak about her experiences with this variation “which occurs in about one in 3,000 women, according to the World Health Organization”. Ms…
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Intersex Woman Lucie Veith goes up against DSD-pathologizing doctor Olaf Hiort

INTERSEX activist Lucie Veith of Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. (IMeV) describes one aspect of intersex genital mutilation – IGM – as “a castration” in a face-to-face conversation with DSD fan Dr Olaf Hiort. Veith: Sie erklären intersexuelle Menschen wie mich zu Kranken, obwohl wir nicht krank sind. Sie operieren die Genitalien, ohne die Einwilligung der Betroffenen einzuholen, und…
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