
German Ethics Council launches survey into the problems of intersex Germans

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THE German Ethics Council is consulting intersex people on our issues. Deutscher Ethikrat: Umfrage zur Situation von Menschen mit Intersexualität” From the text of the survey’s introduction page, it appears that the Council has already consulted with the “experts” – medical doctors, psychologists, psychiatrists, counselors, social scientists and lawyers – and now they wish to…
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[Press Release] ILGA-Europe: Today is the International Intersex Awareness Day

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ILGA-Europe supports the initiative to mark 26 October as the International Intersex Awareness Day. The first ever public demonstration by intersex activists took place in Boston (USA), on 26 October 1996, ILGA-Europe believes this day is a great opportunity to raise awareness on intersex issues, generate greater understanding and challenge the prevailing medical pathological approach…
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ARTE+7: Intersexualité

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Intersexualité Si l’on en croit les statistiques, tout nouveau-né est soit un garçon, soit une fille. Et pourtant, ce n’est pas toujours aussi simple à déterminer ! Le sexe biologique d’un être humain s’exprime en effet à plusieurs niveaux et chez les intersexuels, l’apparence physique ne va pas forcément dans le même sens que les…
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Sophia Siedberg: My Response to CARES

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Author: Sophia Siedlberg, OII-UK TO understand the controversy surrounding Dr Dix Poppas and Dr Maria New, you have to look at what they are doing at face value and then ask yourself how what they are doing helps patients with Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia (CAH). Dr New proposes the use of dexamethasone to “ensure” that a…
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DELGA: EU discrimination law must cover gender identity issues

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LIBERAL Democrat European justice & human rights spokeswoman and London MEP Sarah Ludford has asked the European Commission to explore what action can be taken at European level to prevent discrimination against both transgender and non-gendered people. Commenting on the reply from the Commissioner for justice, fundamental rights & citizenship Viviane Reding, Sarah Ludford said,…
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BBC News: “Man, 33, seeks puberty”

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“I feel an outsider, different to everyone else,” he said before the treatment. “People take going through puberty for granted; it’s just something that happens. For me it has just never happened.” Lawrence has Kallmann’s syndrome, a rare condition affecting predominantly men, but also women. A small area in the brain called the hypothalamus cannot…
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Council of Europe, Commissioner for Human Rights: Human Rights and Gender Identity, CommDH/IssuePaper(2009)2, Strasbourg, 29 July 2009

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ALTHOUGH this document, Human Rights and Gender Identity, cites intersex in two places, intersex is not otherwise included in its content. This is a pattern we are seeing throughout our research. Lawmakers and law reformers appear to be concerned only with LGBT and not LGBTI. Or, intersex is cited as a reason why transsexual and…
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