
Reply from the Council of Europe Committee of Ministers on Intersex Exclusion

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Dear …, The terms of reference adopted by the Committee of Ministers referred to measures to combat discrimination based on “sexual orientation or gender identity”. The Committee of experts (DH-LGBT) which prepared the draft recommendation was composed by real experts in the field, including representatives of non-governmental organisations such as ILGA-Europe and Transgender EU. The…
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ILGA-Europe’s 2009 European Election Pledge

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ILGA-Europe’s 2009 European Election Pledge ILGA-Europe calls upon you, as candidate for the European Parliament elections 2009, to pledge to promote equality and to combat discrimination based on sexual orientation, gender identity and gender expression in your future role as member of the European Parliament. 1. Adopting ambitious EU legislation on equal treatment I pledge…
Read more → Viktor never let himself be brainwashed

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THE doctors decided that Viktor would be a girl, and at six months old they removed his penis. But Viktor was born a boy, and was never a girl. This evening he is Eias’ trump card on the latest Brainwashing. “That they could do something like that to a small child. A defenseless little child….
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The Times: “Caster Semenya and the middle sex”

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Sophia, a British member of OII is quoted in this story in the London Times. She is doubly qualified to comment on intersex in the media – Sophia is a geneticist. … Britain is the first to base treatment on the assumption that it should be acceptable for boys and girls to look far from…
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