
Your Beautiful Child: Information for Parents

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Your Beautiful Child: Information for Parents

Your Beautiful Child: Information for Parents By Hida Viloria on 16 May 2013. I am thrilled to announce OII-USA’s new, free resource for parents of children with intersex variations. As Chairperson of OII, and Founder and Executive Director of OII-USA,  I have often been asked if we have a pamphlet that provides parents with information in a balanced, educational,…
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OII-Europe: First ever European Intersex NGO founded

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OII Europe (Organisation Intersex International Europe) was founded on Human Rights day at the 2nd International Intersex Forum in Stockholm. Find below a media release.   *********************** MEDIA RELEASE ********************* Tuesday 12 December 2012 Stockholm First ever European Intersex NGO founded.  OII Europe sets up work on Intersex Human Right Issues. OII Europe, Europe’s first…
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Open Letter on Intersex to the UN high Commissioner for Human Rights

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Hida Viloria, the global chair of Organisational Intersex International, has co-ordinated an open letter to Her Excellency Navanethem Pillay, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights. The letter was drafted at the second ILGA Intersex Forum, currently taking place in Stockholm. Co-signatories to the letter come from across the world, including Europe, Latin and North…
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Ground-breaking Swiss report on infant surgery, a review

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Ground-breaking Swiss report on infant surgery, a review

Earlier this month, the Swiss National Advisory Commission on Biomedical Ethics published an opinion document, On the management of differences of sex development, Ethical issues relating to “intersexuality”. Copies are available via the Swiss Federal Office of Public Health in English, French, German and Italian. This is a brief review of the key points in…
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Equality, and an end to bigotry

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Equality, and an end to bigotry

Our media release for Intersex Awareness Day has resulted in coverage in some LGBTI media both in Australia and overseas, for which we’re grateful. Gina Wilson, ILGA-Europe, and a media release by Transgender and Intersex Africa are quoted in this report by Gay Star News. TIA comment: ‘TIA believes that this day is a great…
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OII Australia and OII Aotearoa/NZ release submission on the DSM-5 and SOC-7

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OII Australia, together with OII Aotearoa/NZ, today released a submission [PDF] to the American Psychiatric Association (APA), regarding the draft Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, 5th edition. The APA is the body that, until 1973, classified homosexuality as a mental disorder. The APA currently regards gender non-conformity to be a disorder, including gender non-conformity by intersex people.

News reports: “Man discovers he’s actually a woman”

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News reports: “Man discovers he’s actually a woman”

We’re concerned about the credibility of this report, and the original one, just as we’re incredulous when we hear a report of a sex change via bee sting, reported as fact.   Man and father, woman or intersex? While we wish good luck to this family, what is most disturbing about this meme is that…
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