ORGANISATION Intersex International Taiwan-based affiliate OII-Chinese continues to make great strides in the recognition of intersex by non-intersex citizens. OII-Chinese’s Hiker Chiu was interviewed for television during the 2011 Taichung Pride Parade.
Non-consensual surgery on intersex infants in in Russia
HERE’S a report on surgery on intersex newborns and infants in the Russian city of Rostov. A 2-year-old boy underwent a sex change operation in the southern Russian city of Rostov after doctors discovered that he had been born with a set of female chromosomes and reproductive organs, Life News reported on Tuesday. Oksana S,…
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Report: Time to end fear of Indian hijras now
THIS article in South Africa’s online publication The Daily Maverick about hijras was written in the aftermath of Sunday’s tragic fire that killed 13 hijras attending a ceremony in the Nandnagary neighbourhood of east Delhi. “The group is composed of transvestites, transsexuals, intersex individuals, and castrated men.” “Castrated men”? We doubt that hijras identify themselves…
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[Media Release] Arrogance, Hypocrisy & the new World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) Standards of Care, version 7 (SOC v7)
Thursday 29th September 2011 Re: The World Professional Association for Transgender Health: Standards of Care for the Health of Transsexual, Transgender, and Gender Nonconforming People, 7th version, In an act of breathtaking hypocrisy the World Professional Association of Transgender Health (WPATH) has released pathologizing guidelines for the treatment of intersex children and adults who reject…
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UN Human Rights High Commissioner Navi Pillay supports intersex human rights in recent passports statement

OII Australia thanks United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights Navi Pillay for her recent statement welcoming changes to passport sex fields by the Australian federal government. Internal link: OII Australia – UN High Commissioner on Human Rights Navi Pillay, why do you exclude intersex? External links: UN Multimedia – Human rights chief welcomes Australian…
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New Zealand X passports do not appear to be for intersex New Zealanders
NEW Zealand, Australia’s near-neighbour in the Pacific, does not appear to permit intersex people to choose an X for their passport. In fact, there is no mention of intersex at all in the web page and web site that was pointed out to us by a New Zealand contact. Gender ‘X’ Passports If you are…
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Australian Federal Parliamentary Friends group includes intersex
OII Australia warmly welcomes the formation of a parliamentary friends group for LGBTIQ. This is the first parliamentary friends group anywhere that we are aware of that is intersex-inclusive. The formation of this group coincides with recent intersex-inclusive statements from the European Parliament, also a world first and a substantial step towards intersex recognition. OII…
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Indian surgeons are turning intersex girls into intersex boys
THE intersex girls described in this article – “children whose internal organs do not match their external genitalia” – will remain intersex for the rest of their lives despite masculinizing genitoplasty surgeries. They claim a strict procedure is followed to determine the sex of the newborn, after which the external appearance of the child is…
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