Medicine and Science

Y. Gavriel Ansara & Peter Hegarty: Cisgenderism in psychology: pathologising and misgendering children from 1999 to 2008

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Y. Gavriel Ansara & Peter Hegarty: Cisgenderism in psychology: pathologising and misgendering children from 1999 to 2008

INTERSEX activist, psychologist and academic Y. Gavriel Ansara has co-written a ground-breaking work on cisgenderism and its adverse effects on nonconforming children.  Mental health professionals are more cisgenderist than other authors. Articles by members of an ‘invisible college’ structured around the most prolific author in this area are more cisgenderist and impactful than other articles….
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Indian surgeons are turning intersex girls into intersex boys

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THE intersex girls described in this article  – “children whose internal organs do not match their external genitalia” – will remain intersex for the rest of their lives despite masculinizing genitoplasty surgeries. They claim a strict procedure is followed to determine the sex of the newborn, after which the external appearance of the child is…
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“Leave intersex out of the DSM-V”

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“Leave intersex out of the DSM-V”

ANNE Tamar-Mattis writes in support of leaving intersex out of psychiatrists’ bible the DSM-V – the American Psychiatric Association’s (APA) Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. OII rejects pathologising language, such as “disorders” and “DSD” as harming intersex people.

A New York story of an XXY woman

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WE are mindful of a range of beliefs about the XXY karyotype – about being male, being female and being intersex – often warring with each other out there in the wider community, so we were very interested to come across the story of Juno, formerly Alejandro, recently. A number of members of OII across…
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almasryalyoum: Beneath the galabiya: Intersex operations in Assiut

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IN the realm of sexual taboos in Egypt, the issue of “intersex individuals” – or those born with “ambiguous genitalia” – is certainly somewhere near the top of the list. While medical professionals take an impartial approach to treatment and surgical operations, social and cultural factors pose a challenge for affected individuals and their families….
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