GENITAL integrity website IntactNews is publicizing a candlelight vigil on behalf of all people who have lost their lives due to circumcision and other forms of needless genital cutting. Join Bay Area Intactivists for a candlelight vigil in remembrance of the male, female and intersex children who have lost their lives due to complications of…
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Articles by Admin
Report: Time to end fear of Indian hijras now
THIS article in South Africa’s online publication The Daily Maverick about hijras was written in the aftermath of Sunday’s tragic fire that killed 13 hijras attending a ceremony in the Nandnagary neighbourhood of east Delhi. “The group is composed of transvestites, transsexuals, intersex individuals, and castrated men.” “Castrated men”? We doubt that hijras identify themselves…
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Research: people with AIS dissatisfied with results of non-consensual genital surgery as infants

A team of medical researchers reports that intersex people subjected to intersex genital surgery as infants are dissatisfied with the results of that surgery – surgery which remains a standard treatment for intersex infants. In a world first, the team consulted intersex people with androgen insensitivity syndrome (AIS) on their surgery outcomes. The numbers are revealing: Dissatisfaction with…
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South African Broadcasting Corporation: Special Assignment, 20 October 2011
THE stories of several LGBTI Africans persecuted for being born LGBTI. Zimbabwean refugee Tatenda Ngwaru believed she was a gay male, then became persuaded she was actually a transgender woman, then finally learned she is really intersex after fleeing to South Africa. Ms Ngwaru has now returned to Zimbabwe where she faces homophobic persecution for…
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Syracuse University College of Law – Anne Tamar-Mattis: Protecting the Civil Rights of Intersex Children
Anne Tamar-Mattis, Executive Director of Advocates for Informed Choice, visited the College of Law to discuss the legal and ethical issues of consent surrounding genital surgeries in children born with intersex conditions. Editorial comment: OII welcomes the work of Anne Tamar-Mattis, but believes that the use of pathologising language to describe intersex, such as DSDs…
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ORAM second annual lecture series – The Invisible Refugee: Intersex, Persecution and Protection, parts 1, 2 & 3
Advocates for Informed Choice Founder and Executive Director Anne Tamar-Mattis discusses the legal, medical and survival challenges that intersex refugees encounter in their cross-border searches for safe haven. This lecture was delivered as part of ORAM’s Second Annual Lecture Series held June 24, 2011, in San Francisco, CA. Editorial comment: OII rejects the pathologization of…
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Ellen Feder on Reassigning Ambiguity: Intersex, Biomedicine, and the Question of Harm
Editorial comment: OII rejects the pathologization of intersex through terms like DSDs or Disorders of Sex Development.
Saturday Nation: Intersex convict seeking release to wait longer as ruling put off
JUDGMENT has been deferred in a case in which an intersex convict is seeking legal recognition and release from jail. … Muasya, who was born with both male and female genitals, but passes off as a man, says he has been unable to get a birth certificate and, as a result, cannot achieve his academic…
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