Intersex Conference by Amnesty International Belgique Francophone on 19th November in Brussels

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THE Francophone branch of Amnesty International in Belgium is staging a one-day conference on intersex at the Hotel de Ville, Grand Place in Brussels on Saturday, 19th November 2011.

Presentations include the following…

The ‘I’ of intersex: an introduction, by Dr Joz Motmans of the Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities, University of Antwerp:

Introductory presentation to the concepts of sexual identity and then to intersex. Joz will also explain the difference with transgender issues.

Different bodies, medical practices, by Vincent Guillot, intersex activist and cofounder of the intersex movement in French-speaking Europe:

After a definition of intersex, we will analyze forensic practices relating to it, and skim through related fields of thought and practice – ideological battlefields certainly, but we will also cover the idea of the constructed body and semantic concepts of gender and sexuality. [Apologies for loose translation! … Ed.]

Amnesty International and gender identity: overview of main activities and policies, by the Amnesty International anti-discrimination team:

Presentation on the work of Amnesty International, in particular on the various campaigns (including anti-discrimination) that also covers issues of gender identity and policies on intersex.