ON the Seventh Day of Intersex we draw your attention to intersex medical experimentation – medicine’s propensity for experimenting on the bodies of intersex people. What is intersex? Intersex people are people who, as individuals, have congenital genetic, hormonal and physical features that may be thought to be typical of both male and female at once. That…
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Medicine and Science
Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) conflates transsexualism with intersex variations
Authors: Prof. M. Italiano, M.B.B.S. (A.M.), Advisor on intersex variations, Organisation Intersex International & Curtis E. Hinkle, Founder, Organisation Intersex International Article title in full: Open letter to Ieuan Hughes et al, 2007: Disorders of Sex Development (DSD) conflates transsexualism with intersex variations Year of first publication: 2007 Disclaimer: This article represents the views of its author and does…
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Like intersex, another biological variation that is not so rare – uterus didelphys

INTERSEX is not the only biological variation that can affect the formation of one’s genitals – uterus didelphys is another. Hazel Jones of High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire recently appeared on British TV to speak about her experiences with this variation “which occurs in about one in 3,000 women, according to the World Health Organization”. Ms…
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Intersex Woman Lucie Veith goes up against DSD-pathologizing doctor Olaf Hiort

INTERSEX activist Lucie Veith of Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. (IMeV) describes one aspect of intersex genital mutilation – IGM – as “a castration” in a face-to-face conversation with DSD fan Dr Olaf Hiort. Veith: Sie erklären intersexuelle Menschen wie mich zu Kranken, obwohl wir nicht krank sind. Sie operieren die Genitalien, ohne die Einwilligung der Betroffenen einzuholen, und…
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When medicine can be dangerous to your health and human rights – ACOG pretends that intersex is transgender

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggests that intersex is transgender, when it is not in a paper, Health Care for Transgender Individuals, that has nothing to say about medical treatment specifically for intersex people. This paper could actually be dangerous to the health of intersex people, especially if US obstetricians and gynecologists…
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United Nations Committee against Torture makes historic statement on intersex, redress for intersex genital mutilation (IGM), education and more

THE UN Committee against Torture sitting in Germany from October 31 to November 25 2011 has considered a German report on torture and other abuses and has produced a groundbreaking statement on intersex and torture: Intersex people 20. The Committee takes note of the information received during the dialogue that the Ethical Council has undertaken…
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Malawi: a case of female genital mutilation (FGM)
FEMALE genital mutilation (FGM) remains entrenched in many parts of the world, alongside intersex genital mutilation (IGM). FGM is more commonly practised outside the so-called first world whereas IGM is more commonly carried out in the so-called first world. OII regards both practices as violations of human rights and human bodies. We call on all…
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Non-consensual surgery on intersex infants in in Russia
HERE’S a report on surgery on intersex newborns and infants in the Russian city of Rostov. A 2-year-old boy underwent a sex change operation in the southern Russian city of Rostov after doctors discovered that he had been born with a set of female chromosomes and reproductive organs, Life News reported on Tuesday. Oksana S,…
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