Author: Marie-Noëlle Baechler, OII Switzerland Year of first publication: 2006 Translation: Curtis E. Hinkle, from the French original Disclaimer: The following is written within a Swiss legal and medical context and may not apply to laws in different states in the United States or in other countries. This is provided as a service to those…
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Report on German television about the Transgender and Intersex in the Arts, Science and Society conference in Dresden

INACCURACY seems to be the byword when the mainstream media reports on intersex, but at least this news item by a German TV channel on the recent Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft conference in Dresden concentrates on intersex despite reporting it as a transgender conference. The report features IVIM/OII Germany’s Ins A. Kromminga and mentions Australia’s recent passport…
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MDR Sachsen reports on the Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft conference in Dresden earlier this month

MDR Sachsen reports on the Transgender und Intersex in Kunst, Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft – Transgender and Intersex in the Arts, Science and Society – conference in Dresden earlier this month. Two European OII members who are artists and human rights activists presented at the conference – Del LaGrace Volcano and Ins A. Kromminga. Eine internationale…
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Intersex artist, activist and new parent Del LaGrace Volcano is interviewed in Sweden on that and more

US-born and now Sweden and London resident intersex activist artist Del LaGrace Volcano is interviewed in Swedens’ NA. I 37 år levde Del som kvinna. Först som barn och tonåring med namnet Debra, sedan som vuxen konstnär med namnet Della Grace. I böcker och utställningar skildrar hon människor som tvingats till utanförskap, för könets skull….
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Like intersex, another biological variation that is not so rare – uterus didelphys

INTERSEX is not the only biological variation that can affect the formation of one’s genitals – uterus didelphys is another. Hazel Jones of High Wycombe in Buckinghamshire recently appeared on British TV to speak about her experiences with this variation “which occurs in about one in 3,000 women, according to the World Health Organization”. Ms…
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Intersex Woman Lucie Veith goes up against DSD-pathologizing doctor Olaf Hiort

INTERSEX activist Lucie Veith of Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. (IMeV) describes one aspect of intersex genital mutilation – IGM – as “a castration” in a face-to-face conversation with DSD fan Dr Olaf Hiort. Veith: Sie erklären intersexuelle Menschen wie mich zu Kranken, obwohl wir nicht krank sind. Sie operieren die Genitalien, ohne die Einwilligung der Betroffenen einzuholen, und…
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A writer speaks out on the global genocide against intersex people
Our gratitude to the author of American Grotesque for speaking out against the treatment of intersex people. However we question the author’s intersex prevalence figure that appears to be made up or at least drawn from an extremely questionable source – 1 in 1000 or 10 000 newborn infants. The prevalence of intersex births worldwide is 4%….
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UK intersex woman Sarah Graham writes a letter to her body
SARAH Graham is a therapist and counsellor in the UK who was born with the intersex variation Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome (AIS). AIS, along with CAH and XXY is one of the most common biological variations underlying intersex. She and her family were lied to by doctors from the age of eight until she learned the…
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