Overnight, the United Nations Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights has issued a new report, “Discrimination and violence against individuals based on their sexual orientation and gender identity”, A/HRC/29/23, which includes detailed reference to intersex and other LGBTI persons. OII Australia warmly welcomes this report, which for the first time calls for an…
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OII Europe: two milestones for intersex human rights in Europe

OII-Europe PRESS RELEASE Two milestones for intersex human rights in Europe on the same day. At the IDAHO Forum 2015 in Montenegro, the Commissioner for Human Rights of the Council of Europe and the Fundamental Rights Agency launched two documents that represent a true tipping point for the achievement of intersex human rights. The Issue…
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Statement by OII Europe: we applaud Malta’s new law

This is a landmark case for intersex rights within European law reform On the 1st of April 2015 a historic reform is taking place within the Maltese law code. With the Gender Identity, Gender Expression And Sex Characteristics Act, historic steps are being taken to bring forth an end to non-medically necessary, cosmetic genital surgeries…
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The real Michael Phelps girlfriend story

Claudia Astorino writes in The Guardian newspaper on the real Michael Phelps girlfriend story: To the media outlets interested in writing truthfully about intersex people: focus on who we are as human beings. Raise awareness that we exist, and that we’re fighting for our basic human rights: it’s been routine since the 50s to medically…
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Intersex Awareness Day 2014 – post by OII Australia

October 26 is Intersex Awareness Day. Morgan Carpenter of OII Australia wrote this article in the Star Observer newspaper: People with intersex variations are born with atypical physical sex characteristics. Intersex people face a range of health and human rights issues, and deep-seated stigma, caught between two contrasting visions of who and how we should…
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Statement of the European Intersex Meeting in Riga, 2014

On Wednesday, the 8th of October the European Intersex Meeting took place in Riga. Under the umbrella of OII Europe and facilitated by ILGA Europe, this meeting gathered European intersex organisations working for intersex human rights. The goal of the meeting was to identify objectives and strategies to advocate for the full implementation of human…
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OII Australia comments on the High Court case NSW Registrar v Norrie
OII Australia has commented on the Australian High court Case New South Wales Registrar of Births, Deaths and Marriages v Norrie, noting that Australian regulations and legislation since 2003 have had a similar trajectory in the recognition of a third classification of sex or gender: The High Court has ruled that NSW laws do permit…
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Remembering Sally Gross
We express our regret and sadness over the passing away of our friend and colleague, Sally Gross. Sally was found on 14th February 2014 in her apartment, the last known communication having been on Tuesday 11th February. Sally had been ill for some time, and contacted her longstanding friend, Mani Mitchell, in January knowing that…
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