IVIM/OII Germany issues press release commenting on Deutscher Ethikrat’s opinion document on situation of intersex people in Germany

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IVIM/OII Germany issues press release commenting on Deutscher Ethikrat’s opinion document on situation of intersex people in Germany

Presseerklärung der Internationalen Vereinigung Intergeschlechtlicher Menschen (IVIM) zur Stellungnahme “Intersexualität” des Deutschen Ethikrats vom 23.02.2012 Berlin, 23.02.2012 DER Deutsche Ethikrat hat seine im Auftrag der Bundesregierung erarbeitete Stellungnahme zur Verbesserung der Lebenssituation intergeschlechtlicher Menschen veröffentlicht. IVIM begrüsst, dass der Ethikrat sich für eine finanzielle Förderung von Inter*- Organisationen ausspricht und die Peer-Beratung stärken möchte. In…
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Deutscher Ethikrat releases opinion document and press release on its inquiry into intersex in Germany

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Deutscher Ethikrat releases opinion document and press release on its inquiry into intersex in Germany

Deutscher Ethikrat: Intersexuelle Menschen anerkennen, unterstützen und vor gesellschaftlicher Diskriminierung schützen PRESSEMITTEILUNG 01/2012 Berlin, den 23. Februar 2012 DER Deutsche Ethikrat stellt am heutigen Donnerstag in Berlin seine im Auftrag der Bundesregierung erarbeitete Stellungnahme zur Situation intersexueller Menschen vor. Er ist der Auffassung, dass intersexuelle Menschen als Teil gesellschaftlicher Vielfalt Respekt und Unterstützung der Gesellschaft…
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OII Chairperson Hida Viloria asks US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to declare against intersex genital mutilation – IGM – as well as female genital mutilation – FGM

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OII Chairperson Hida Viloria asks US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton to declare against intersex genital mutilation – IGM – as well as female genital mutilation – FGM

OII Chairperson Hida Viloria has written an article for The Global Herald declaring that recent statements by US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton against Female Genital Mutilation – FGM – do not go far enough and must also encompass the widespread cultural practice of intersex genital mutilation – IGM. It is often parents’ or doctors’…
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OII receives reply from US Department of State to OII Chairperson Hida Viloria’s letter asking for intersex inclusion in LGBTI – not LGBT-only – global human rights efforts

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OII receives reply from US Department of State to OII Chairperson Hida Viloria’s letter asking for intersex inclusion in LGBTI – not LGBT-only – global human rights efforts

OII Chairperson Hida Viloria has received a reply from the US Department of State to her letter to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking for full and equal intersex inclusion – under the acronym LGBTI and not intersex-excluding LGBT – in US foreign human rights efforts from now onwards. The reply letter was written by Michael H. Posner, Assistant…
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Intersex Medical Experimentation: The Fourteen Days of Intersex

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ON the Seventh Day of Intersex we draw your attention to intersex medical experimentation – medicine’s propensity for experimenting on the bodies of intersex people. What is intersex? Intersex people are people who, as individuals, have congenital genetic, hormonal and physical features that may be thought to be typical of both male and female at once. That…
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OII’s Bhakti Ananda Goswami’s open letter about intersex to organizers of the White House LGBT Conference on Health, February 16th, 2012, in Philadelphia

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OII’s Bhakti Ananda Goswami’s open letter about intersex to organizers of the White House LGBT Conference on Health, February 16th, 2012, in Philadelphia

Author: Bhakti Ananda Goswami, Diversity and Tolerance Spokesperson for Organization Intersex International – OII Date: February 16, 2012 Dear Conference Organizers, Please allow me to introduce myself. I am Diversity and Tolerance Spokesperson for Organization Intersex International – OII. I was hoping to be able to attend this important conference, but as a disabled poor person,…
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