NEW Zealand, Australia’s near-neighbour in the Pacific, does not appear to permit intersex people to choose an X for their passport. In fact, there is no mention of intersex at all in the web page and web site that was pointed out to us by a New Zealand contact. Gender ‘X’ Passports If you are…
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Double-edged sword – the BBC throws light on intersex people while pathologizing us
A double-edged sword: BBC One throws light on intersex people while medically pathologizing us. “DSDs (Disorders of Sexual Development)” are rejected by OII as pathologizing language that causes harm to intersex people. This compelling and sensitive documentary unlocks the stories of people born neither entirely male nor female. Conditions like these have been known as…
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Protest at conference promoting Intersex Genital Mutilation (IGM) at The Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2, 17 – 19 September 2011
INTERSEX people and organizations including Organisation Intersex International (OII) call on intersex activists and friends to protest outside the Royal College of Surgeons, 35-43 Lincoln’s Inn Fields, London WC2, Saturday 17th to Monday 19th September 2011. The College is the venue for the IV World Congress on Hypospadias and Disorders of Sex Development which promotes…
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Intersex – the last great worldwide struggle for fundamental human rights
MEDIA RELEASE 5 September 2011 Brussels, Belgium FIRST EVER INTERNATIONAL INTERSEX FORUM The world’s 1st International Intersex Organising Forum took place in Brussels between 3-5 September 2011. The historic event brought together 24 activists representing 17 intersex organisations from all continents. Around the world intersex individuals are being subjected to inhumane and degrading altering surgical…
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Y. Gavriel Ansara & Peter Hegarty: Cisgenderism in psychology: pathologising and misgendering children from 1999 to 2008

INTERSEX activist, psychologist and academic Y. Gavriel Ansara has co-written a ground-breaking work on cisgenderism and its adverse effects on nonconforming children. Mental health professionals are more cisgenderist than other authors. Articles by members of an ‘invisible college’ structured around the most prolific author in this area are more cisgenderist and impactful than other articles….
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OII Chairperson Hida Viloria interviewed about intersex on by Jeff4Justice
INTERSEX in all its depth and detail was the subject of a recent video conversation with OII Chairperson Hida Viloria by US rights campaigner Jeff4Justice. The full interview is now available on
Richard Muasya in Kenya: Lifelong intersex exclusion leads to the inevitable, exclusion from the means to live, then jail, rape, violence and yet more exclusion
OII-Kenya affiliate lawyer John Chigiti represents a number of intersex Kenyans in matters of the law in that country, despite statements made during the recent trial of Kenyan intersex person Richard Muasya that there are no intersex people in Kenya and therefore no need to include them in the legislation of that nation. Mr Muasya’s…
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Australian Federal Parliamentary Friends group includes intersex
OII Australia warmly welcomes the formation of a parliamentary friends group for LGBTIQ. This is the first parliamentary friends group anywhere that we are aware of that is intersex-inclusive. The formation of this group coincides with recent intersex-inclusive statements from the European Parliament, also a world first and a substantial step towards intersex recognition. OII…
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