Editorial comment: OII rejects the pathologization of intersex through terms like DSDs or Disorders of Sex Development.
Saturday Nation: Intersex convict seeking release to wait longer as ruling put off
JUDGMENT has been deferred in a case in which an intersex convict is seeking legal recognition and release from jail. … Muasya, who was born with both male and female genitals, but passes off as a man, says he has been unable to get a birth certificate and, as a result, cannot achieve his academic…
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Intersex-inclusive inter-American human rights commission shows the way via new unit for LGBTI rights
WHILE its counterparts in other parts of the globe prevaricate about including intersex people in their human rights work, the Organization of American States’ (OAS) pan-American human rights commission the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR), based in Washington D.C., has created “a Unit on the Rights of Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and Intersex (LGBTI)…
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Intersex Conference by Amnesty International Belgique Francophone on 19th November in Brussels
THE Francophone branch of Amnesty International in Belgium is staging a one-day conference on intersex at the Hotel de Ville, Grand Place in Brussels on Saturday, 19th November 2011. Presentations include the following… The ‘I’ of intersex: an introduction, by Dr Joz Motmans of the Policy Research Centre on Equal Opportunities, University of Antwerp: Introductory…
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[Op/Ed] Characterizing people with XXY and similar karyotypes as male by default, or “disorders”, makes obvious intersex variations invisible
![[Op/Ed] Characterizing people with XXY and similar karyotypes as male by default, or “disorders”, makes obvious intersex variations invisible](http://oii.org.au/wp-content/uploads/2011/10/og_saudi_520.png)
I make the observation that the characterization of a person with XXY, or combinations thereof as described in this article, as male, makes invisible their obvious intersex. To see them as infertile males is an observation taken from a certain cultural perspective that considers intersex differences as somehow resolvable into actual maleness or femaleness. This…
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Intersex inclusion by default continues at the United Nation High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR)

WE at OII Australia continue to be impressed at the consistency with which the UN High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR) includes intersex in its work, publications and public statements, since we were asked to comment upon the issue of intersex inclusion several months ago. We encourage other agencies to follow the UNHCR’s example. This latest publication…
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Breakthrough: XXY researchers admit not all XXY people are male, that some may be female and some may be intersex

RESEARCHERS at a cluster of respected Melbourne medical institutes, hospitals and universities have admitted in a letter to the editor of the International Journal of Andrology, The Official Journal of the European Academy of Andrology, that not all people with the XXY karyotype are male and that some may be female and some may be…
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Michela Balocchi writes on the erasure of intersex in the Italian media
ITALIAN intersex ally Michela Balocchi has written about the response in the Italian mainstream press to Australia’s new intersex-inclusive passport regulations. In effect, as she points out, the media in Italy have erased the word intersex from their reporting and are suggesting that this is a transgender-oriented reform. External link: italialaica.it – Femmina, maschio o…
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