Intersex Woman Lucie Veith goes up against DSD-pathologizing doctor Olaf Hiort

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Intersex Woman Lucie Veith goes up against DSD-pathologizing doctor Olaf Hiort

INTERSEX activist Lucie Veith of  Intersexuelle Menschen e.V. (IMeV)  describes one aspect of intersex genital mutilation – IGM – as “a castration” in a face-to-face conversation with DSD fan Dr Olaf Hiort. Veith: Sie erklären intersexuelle Menschen wie mich zu Kranken, obwohl wir nicht krank sind. Sie operieren die Genitalien, ohne die Einwilligung der Betroffenen einzuholen, und…
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On a third sex

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On a third sex THE idea of creating a new sex category to be designated “intersex” poses several problems. First of all, how do we define intersex? OII believes that there will be never a clear definition and at the same time, that it is not necessary to have a legal definition for intersex. We…
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When medicine can be dangerous to your health and human rights – ACOG pretends that intersex is transgender

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When medicine can be dangerous to your health and human rights – ACOG pretends that intersex is transgender

The American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists (ACOG) suggests that intersex is transgender, when it is not in a paper, Health Care for Transgender Individuals, that has nothing to say about medical treatment specifically for intersex people. This paper could actually be dangerous to the health of intersex people, especially if US obstetricians and gynecologists…
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Canada Border Services Agency announces new strip search rules for intersex and trans travellers

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CANADIAN newsmagazine Maclean’s reports on a new Canada Border Services Agency policy for strip searching intersex or trans people entering Canada. Released in August, the protocol applies to “transsexual or intersexed” individuals; people who strongly identify or seek to live as a member of the opposite sex, have undergone surgery to physically change their sex,…
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A writer speaks out on the global genocide against intersex people

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Our gratitude to the author of American Grotesque for speaking out against the treatment of intersex people. However we question the author’s intersex prevalence figure that appears to be made up or at least drawn from an extremely questionable source – 1 in 1000 or 10 000 newborn infants. The prevalence of intersex births worldwide is 4%….
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OII Chairperson and OII USA director Hida Viloria’s letter to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking for full intersex inclusion in White House human rights initiatives

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OII Chairperson and OII USA director Hida Viloria’s letter to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking for full intersex inclusion in White House human rights initiatives

HIDA Viloria, Chairperson of Organisation Intersex International – OII – and Director of Organisation Intersex International United States – OII USA – has written a letter to US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton asking for intersex people to be included in the White House’s recently announced global efforts on behalf of LGBT equality. Ms Viloria,…
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