What is intersex?
THE term intersex was adopted by science in the early 20th century and applied to human beings whose biological sex cannot be classified as clearly male or female. An intersex person may have the biological attributes of both sexes or lack some of the biological attributes considered necessary to be defined as one or the other sex.
Intersex is always congenital and can originate from genetic, chromosomal or hormonal variations. Environmental influences such as endocrine disruptors can also play a role in some intersex differences. The term is not applicable to situations where individuals deliberately alter their own anatomical characteristics.
Intersex people represent a significant percentage of the global population, from 1 in 1,500 to around 1.7%.
About OII

THE Organisation Internationale des Intersexués – OII – is a decentralized global network of intersex organizations.
OII was founded in 2003 by and for intersex people, by Curtis Hinkle. The first international intersex advocacy organization, OII has since decentralised with organisations in many parts of the world.
OII’s Mission is to attain human rights for intersex infants, children, and adults, particularly the right to bodily integrity and self-determination.